Thursday, September 9, 2010

That's messed up

{image taken from here}

Leave it to the Germans to come up with something this bizarre. A German toy company is planning to launch a series of plush characters that are, shall we say, "emotionally challenged." Not only can your children snuggle with them, they can be their therapist also! Check out the company's website and visit the asylum for yourself.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Phone calls

If you're not doing anything right now, pick up the phone and call someone you love. Your mom, dad, siblings, anyone that took care of you or has ever been there for you. All it takes is 10 minutes out of your day to say hello, ask them what they had for lunch. I promise you it'll make their day to hear your voice.

One of my best friend's father passed away 2 weeks ago. She was the last person to speak to him before he had a heart attack....Most of the time we don't appreciate our loved ones until they're gone. So take a little break from what you're doing right now to call someone. Don't text, email, instant message, or Facebook them, it's just not the same.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The time has come, the Walrus said...

I've been reading Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll as I commute to and from work this week on my iPod. It's an easy, light read that's perfect for the L. This is the first time I've read an electronic book while commuting and reminds me of this article. Which makes me wonder, how do people choose what books they will read? I love reading. I love finding out what are people's favorite books. I love learning about new authors and genres.... I think it would be the coolest if someone did an anthropological study on the reasons behind why some people read certain books (nature, nurture, social influences, cultural bias, etc.).

Myself, I'm a very broad reader. As long as it's somewhat well written and the plot doesn't drag too long in the beginning I'm game. Hell, I've even soldiered through a poorly written book just cause the subject matter was really interesting. I tend to lean more towards sci-fi due to my Anthro. background (lots of social mores dissection). The thing that really determines what I pick up at the library/bookstore though are my moods. If it's a depressing Chicago winter, I'll read more humorous books to keep my spirits up. If I've been doing a lot of light reads, I'll take a break and read something serious or a big non-fiction to workout my brain (and vice-versa). I know no one's following my blog right now, but if people stumble upon it later, I'd love it if you'd comment your favorite book or how you pick reads.

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Post! First Post!

This is my first blog post ever (I'm a blog-virgin) so bare with me. I'm not exactly "with it" when it comes to the Blogging world, so please be gentle and I promise to be a fast learner. So here goes...

I've decided to start a blog on this, my one month countdown to a life changing event. We are traveling to the other side of the world, for many things. To rejuvenate, to grow, and to enjoy life. This isn't a travel blog, but I thought it would be fitting to begin on an exciting note.